Friday, December 31, 2010

Weather Explained: Supercell

What is a supercell?
A supercell is the most likely to become severe. It is isolated from other storms. Supercells are characterized by their rotation in clouds.

What does a supercell look like from the ground?
A supercell is defined by the almost circle-like formation in the clouds.

What does a supercell look like on radar?
Supercells are very well seen, like something is swirling the storm into one spot.
That is the most telltale sign in a supercell. If you see one, find cover immediately.

Are supercells dangerous?
They are the most dangerous of thunderstorms and have most potential to be severe.

Other information
Because the supercell shows a swirl, it is a very strong example of how a tornado forms. If you see that type of swirl, supercell or not, it has the most likely chance of being a tornado.

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